Friday, October 19, 2012

My Shower, My Soapbox

My Thoughts On Conservative Christians

I cannot for the life of me understand why Conservative Christians can't seem to separate their political purpose from their spiritual purpose. Here's the deal (and I'm speaking only to my Christian brothers and sisters): Our purpose as Christians is to win the world to Jesus because we know that we know that what we believe is right and on it there is no compromise.  But Politics is different.  We live in a Nation where our Founders tried to make room for everyone's point of view, within reason, based on a foundation of liberty and free choice. Why then do Conservative Christians seem so bent on limiting people's choices to only those things that Christians believe?  Even God gives all of us free choice.  Conservative Christians can't seriously believe that voting principle over party is going to work in a national General Election and can't seriously believe that even doing so in a Primary is going to get us who we want in a General.  Our united goal as Republicans (regardless of religious affiliation) needs to be to get rid of Obama.  Heck, that needs to be our united goal as Americans (regardless of political affiliation).