Thursday, January 13, 2011

Alone In My Shower

It seems that nowadays, the shower is just about the only place where you are forced to be totally alone with your thoughts.  Save for rare occasions, there are no phones, no computers, no TV, no books, no other people.  It's just you and your thoughts.

I wonder if most people are like me and take that alone time for granted.  Most people start their day in the shower, so the only thought is to get in and get out because you still have to get dressed, get ready, eat breakfast, and get on with the tasks of the day.  And lets not forget (since none of it comes in the shower with us) we HAVE TO check Facebook, email, and our phone.  Think of all that has happened in the world while we spent 15 minutes in a shower.  How did humanity survive without us knowing exactly what was going on?

I am challenging myself to stop and enjoy the quiet aloneness of being in the shower.  I am going to pay attention to my thoughts.  I am going to be quiet enough to listen and open myself to what could be a perfect opportunity for God to speak to me.

1 comment:

  1. Jen, Jen, Jen! I LOVE IT! My "Food for Thought" column developed in the shower, too! I think God just takes that 'alone time' and makes it a time of creativity and openness we aren't able to experience during the normal den of the day! Love it. Keep writing, Girlfriend!
